Practice Limited To Endodontics
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 5 pm

MB Canal Blocked by Amalgam

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Conservative, Ideal Access Allows Anatomy to Dictate Treatment

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Multiple Exits

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Conservative, Ideal Access Allows Anatomy to Dictate Treatment

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Retreating Other Endodontists’ Work

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Retreating Other Endodontists’ Work, MB2 - 1 year Recall

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Retreating Other Endodontists’ Work, Anatomy Was Missed in Both Teeth

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Through Crown, Conservative Ideal Access

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Silver Point Retreatment Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Nonsurgical Retreatment, Coronal Seal Had Been Lost

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Second Molar, 4 Canals, Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Separate MB2

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Pediatric Blunderbuss Apex, MTA Obturation

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

4 canals, Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Bifid Mandibular Premolar

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Curvy Mandibular Second Molar

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

MB2, Through Crown, Calcified Canals

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Second Molar, 4 Curvy Canals

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Curvy, Tooth is in Mesio - and Linguoversion

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Retreatment Through Crown, New Crown Planned

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Curvy Bridge-Saver

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

MTA Repair of Long-Standing Perforation w/ Associated Lesion

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Middle Mesial Canal

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Anatomy Dictates Treatment, 4 Canals, Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Calcified (“PCO”, Pulpal Canal Obliteration)

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Post-Retreatment Through Bridge

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

MB2 Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Pediatric, Second Molar, 4 Canals

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Retrieval of Overextended Thermafil-Carrier

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Second Molar, Through Crown, Calcified, 4 Canals

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Dens en Dente, Orthograde & Retrograde (Apico), Treatment

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Curvy, Calcified, Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Bone Loss Hinted Fracture but the Sinus Tract Healed - 1 yr Recall

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Middle Mesial Canal Through Crown

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Pediatric Blunderbuss Apex, MTA Obturation

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Mandibular Molar Apicoectomy, MTA Retrofillings, 1 year Recall

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

3-Canal Mandibular Premolar, New Crown Had Been Planned

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Anatomy Dictates Treatment

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Bifid Palatal, 5 Canals Total

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Middle Mesial Canal, 5 Canals Total

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Tooth #3 (Failing #4 Planned for Retx)

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

S-Curve and Apical Split in Distal

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

Apicoectomy with MTA retrofilling. Near-complete healing after 6 months

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist

5 Canals C. Middle Mesial Canal

So-called “Modern ‘restorative’ Endo” would have left untreated anatomy throughout the coronal and middle thirds of the roots of this tooth. On the parallel radiograph (middle), note the conservative access.

Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist Holland Endodontist